The Canon of Sherlock Holmes has inspired countless adaptations over the years, each with a slightly different take on the Great Detective, his companion John Watson, and his Victorian world. For many people, an adaptation was their first introduction to Sherlock Holmes, and each interpretation is valuable to the community in different ways. Here, you can find information on stage, film, television, books, fanfiction, and more. You will also be able to read about different actors and writers and see images from classic and more modern works.
Film, Radio, Stage, Television
- Key Actors, Writers, Producers
- BBC's Sherlock
- CBS' Elementary
- Granada Series
- Plays
- Radio Shows
- Sherlockian Film & Video Online
Web Series
Film Animation and Anime
Writings About the Writings
- Audiobooks
- Comics and Graphic Novels
- Fan Fiction Recommendations by Elinor Gray
- Listings of Scholarly Articles
- Pastiches, Parodies, and Fan Fiction
- Recent Works
- Sherlockian Filk
- Camden House
- Frederic Dorr Steele's Original Illustrations
- Illustrating Sherlock Holmes
- Sidney Paget's Original Illustrations