The Lost World is one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s best known works and has been made into several films, television series, and radio shows. The science fiction adventure story was published serially by The Strand in 1912. It introduced a recurring character, Professor Challenger, who appeared in several of Doyle’s other books and short stories.
Novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1912
- Text at Online Literature Library
- One Book, One Edinburgh 2009
- Discoveries in The Lost World (mostly in German)
The epigraph to The Lost World has often been applied to ACD's writings about Sherlock Holmes as well:
I have wrought my simple plan
If I give one hour of joy
To the boy who's half a man
Or the man who's half a boy.
1925 film starring Wallace Beery
1960 film starring Claude Rains
- George E. Challenger's Mysterious World (role-playing game)
Steven Spielberg film, 1997
Television series, premiere 1999
BBC television, 2001