Victorian England was a player on the world stage, and Sherlock Holmes often interacted with people from other nations. The time period in which Holmes lived and worked is known for its strict morality, the stark divide between the rich and poor, and the emphasis it placed on etiquette. The era is named after the 1837-1901 reign of Queen Victoria, whose influence extended beyond the British Empire and set trends around the world.
- The Victorian Web
- Victoria Research Web
- The Victorian Era
- Victorian Era Lovers
- Mostly Victorian, articles and illustrations
- Queen Victoria's Empire (PBS)
- Dictionary of Victorian London
- Victoriana, Resources for Victorian Living
- Charles Booth Online Archive
- The Costume Gallery
- Victorian Era, from
- Hair in the 1800s
- Are you a civilized person, suited to the Victorian period?
- 1876 Victorian England Revisited
- Old House Books
- British Library Online Newspaper Archive
- British Pathe newsreel archive
- British Library: The Nineteenth Century
- UK Web Archive: 19th Century English Literature
- Strand Magazine
- Strand issues on
- Online archives of the humour magazine Punch
- The Train-ing of Sherlock Holmes: The Railway in Victorian England
- Railway History Home Page
- Railway and steamship routes, 1900
- Cambridge History of English and American Literature
- The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive
- Grant Allen
- Nineteenth Century Medicine in the United Kingdom
- dMarie Time Capsule
- 'Vintage Sex' Livejournal community
- An Online Dating Guide to Courting in the Victorian Era
- Victorian Homosexuality Bibliography
- Darlene Cypser, Victorian References
- The Database of Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes and the Victorian Media Condition