The Baker Street Irregulars (BSI) has completely overhauled its website. The BSI was founded in 1934 and was the very first Sherlockian literary society. From 1934 until 2000, the BSI had no dedicated website, but that all changed when the original BSI site was created in 2001. As stated on the site, “The Baker Street Irregulars website is your source for official information from the Baker Street Irregulars.” The new and improved site is separated into sections based on the major activities of the BSI including the Baker Street Journal, the Baker Street Press, and BSI Events.
If you’d like to read more about the site and its history, there is an excellent article on I Hear Of Sherlock Everywhere. Be sure to check out the new website, and if you would like to explore content on related to the BSI, visit the featured links below!
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Written by Jessica Gibbons